Des Moines, Iowa -- Four members of the Alaska Air National Guard (AANG) from Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska visited the Distributed Training and Operations Center (DTOC) at the 132d Wing here in Des Moines, Iowa on May 22, 2018, to take a tour, discuss mission scenarios and view training events.
Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) is a readiness initiative to train warfighters as they expect to fight; maintain combat readiness at home or deployed; conduct mission rehearsal in an environment as operationally realistic as necessary; and provide support to operations.
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Clemens, 132d Operations Flight director of operations, said the AANR is ready to expand their events to a wider selection of mission problems for its weapons airmen to solve. Like most sites, they have the ability to provide their own DMO training using their personnel to drive the scenarios.
Clemens said this past year the DTOC made some changes in personnel and those changes have driven the customer base to reach out to make changes also. The newly developed Scenario Catalog has ignited customers to update, upgrade and make wholesale changes to their unit specific vignettes.
Tech. Sgt. Mark Roberts and Maj. Michael Shea, both of the AANR, said they would also place an emphasis on how they can schedule larger events to allow for full crew training scenarios and that the AANR’s desire is to have monthly or bi-monthly large scale exercise type events that will execute crew training and real world events.
Maj. Angelo Deright, 132d Mission Support Group, and his team provided AANR answers to questions as well as feedback to meet their needs. Shea said the trip was successful for them and that they are looking forward to seeing the seeds they planted at the DTOC grow into the product they desire.
“The pilot subject matter experts of the DTOC are excellent to work with and the feedback is something we can’t find anywhere else,” said Roberts.
As the "support nexus" of the Air National Guard DMO program, the DTOC's mission is to provide persistent DMO capability and expertise in support of realistic, relevant training opportunities to warfighters in a networked environment.