Des Moines, Iowa -- Col. Travis Crawmer assumed command of the Iowa Air National Guard’s 132d Wing on January 9, 2021 at the 132d Wing Airbase in Des Moines, Iowa.
Crawmer, now the 17th commander of the unit, took over for Col. Mark Chidley who led the wing since February 2018.
“Growing up as an airman to now leading this organization brings its challenges and opportunities but I am taking over a Wing that is excelling at mission execution at the Federal and State levels,” said Crawmer. “We have an outstanding team of competent professionals that will help me lead this organization and I am looking forward to what the future has to offer the 132d Wing.
Crawmer began his career in 1989 enlisting in the Iowa Air National Guard. After completing his enlistment he gained his commission in 1995 as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer. He graduated from Euro-Nato Joint Jet Pilot Training in 1998 and F-16 FTU, Tucson AZ, ANG in 2000. Crawmer has held the following positions flying the F-16; B Flight Commander, Operations Support Flight Commander, DTOC Director of Operations. Following the mission conversion to the MQ-9 Reaper Crawmer was the first 124th Attack Squadron Commander and then served as the 132d Operations Group Commander. He also served as the Vice Commander prior to his current assignment.
Colonel Crawmer is a Command Pilot with over 2,500 hours in the F-16 A/B, F16 C/D, F-16 C+, RC-26 and MQ-9 and has flown over 400 combat hours in support of Operation NORTHERN WATCH, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, and Operation INHERENT RESOLVE.