It’s on - ORI Phase I, 1-6 Oct 10 “Yes we can!” Published Feb. 6, 2010 By Col. Mark D. Hammond Commander, 132nd Fighter Wing Des Moines, Iowa -- The 132d Fighter Wing will have an opportunity, less than a year from now, to demonstrate our Excellence as a premier Air National Guard Fighter Wing. The goal is an "EXCELLENT" rating in the Phase I Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) scheduled for 1 - 6 October 2010 and we are working as a Team to accomplish this objective. The inspection planning and coordination process has begun in earnest and spin-up training will begin immediately upon completion of the AEF Aviation Package deployment. It will be a "full-court press" with training, as most Airmen are in different positions or AFSCs than the ones they may have held during the 2004 ORI, so our collective inspection experience needs shoring-up. The details of ORI preparation are still being worked and will be published soon, but they include events such things as Operational Readiness Exercises (OREs) in June and August; home station Annual Training in June (in-lieu of a Volk Annual Training event); and a July UTA added to the Wing Calendar. A Phase I ORI, also referred to as Initial Response, is an evaluation of the unit's capability to transition from peacetime readiness to a wartime posture, and includes actions normally occurring prior to the outbreak of hostilities. The five sub areas to in a Phase I ORI are: Command and Control (C2), Deployment Processing, Employment Readiness, Information Operations and Integrated Control Enablers (ICE), and Force Protection. Everyone will have a role in achieving our goal. To fully understand the shape and construct of the inspection, roles and responsibilities, and what it takes to attain an "EXCELLENT" rating, refer to AFI 90-201_ACCSUP_ADDENDUM-A, paragraph 2 and the ACC IG web site: